EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
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Document Citadel.Guide
@REMARK : Citadel.guide 1.0 (27.11.94)
The documentation contained is a collection of information
based on the original Citadel 86 documentation by Hue, JR. The
mistakes are mine.
It is pretty much a complete reference manual and every attempt
is being made to make this a complete manual with all details
explained so that even the most novice of users can understand how
to setup and run a bbs. The most important thing is to read this
documentation and give it a try!
2. Citadel History
What is Citadel? Citadel is a Freeware project. The source,
executables and all the documentation are available for no cost to
you. If you paid for this, someone is ripping you off.
Citadel was written in mid-December 1981 by CrT. Miraculously,
it ran three days unattended over New Year's, collecting some
remarkably favorable reactions. During the months that it ran at
633-3282 (ODD-DATA), Citadel became one of the more popular BBs in
town, and there was some disappointment when a hardware failure
forced the system down in February of 1982. But in January CrT had
published the source code in BDS C, putting it in the public
David Mitchell brought up the next incarnation of the Citadel
program in April of 1982, running on hardware provided by Richard
Knox. Called the Island Communication System, it is located on
Bainbridge Island in Puget Sound. ICS has about 30 regular users
and about 120 log entries. Newcomers find it easy to learn, and
often leave messages praising it. Some of the system's daily users
are in Boston.
Citadel is descended from DandD.pas, an adventure game
editor/driver. It is arranged as a series of rooms, starting with
the LOBBY. In each room the user can read existing messages and
leave more. The system was brought up with only one room, the
LOBBY. Additional rooms were created by the users, with room names
appropriate to the topics covered.
Environment: Citadel has had a checkered past. It first ran
on a 64K Heath H89 with Magnolia CP/M, Hayes Smartmodem (plus an
acoustic on another port) and BDS C V1.32.
As time went on, Citadel was ported to the Amiga, Atari, and
even the MAC. Citadel runs on many platforms and since the source
is available will probably run on most future ones too.
3. What is Citadel-68K
Citadel-68K(also know as Amiga Citadel) is a single user BBS
program. It is a direct decendant of the 3.42 Citadel 86 by Hue, JR
in Minnesota.
Citadel comes in two flavors, a 68000 based version that will
run on any Amiga and an optimized 68030 based. Citadel is able to
run on any Amiga model and under any OS from 1.2 to the latest. The
CTDL(main BBS executable) and CONFG(BBS configuration tool) come in
the two forms, the utilities come in the 68000 version only. The
Amiga Citadel is a direct port from the IBM Citadel 86 by Hue Jr.
It originally was done by Jay Johnston, who did not have the time to
continue it so I, Tony Preston now maintain it. I don't have the
time either, but I try...
3.1. Support Systems
Probably the hardest part of running a Citadel is getting
started. Citadel is not the most common of BBS programs even though
it is free.
You should be able to read this document and setup your
configuration file, run `CONFG' and then startup the BBS with no
problems. Since this rarely happens and having a helping hand from
someone that has already done what you are trying to do can make
things easier, you might want to try one of these three places for
help and information.
The first is The Amiga Zone, my BBS(609-953-8159). It is
available 24 hours and is where you will find the most support and
help. I will often chat with people that call for help and alway
try to answer mail messages promptly. Since calling long distance
may not be an option for you, check around in your area and see if
you can find a local Citadel where you can take major advantage of
the networking features built into Citadel! The `C86Net' contains
several support rooms where you can post your questions and usually
get quick answers. These rooms are "Citadel 68K" and "Sysop Only".
If your local sysop will let you have some Long Distance credit you
can send me domain mail at "tony preston@The Amiga Zone.NJ". You
will learn more about domain mail later. There are many Citadels
active on the network so you might check the `BBS List' included in
this document to see if one is local to you. finally, you can send
me mail via Internet. I will answer the mail quickly monday thru
friday. Anything sent over the weekend will wait till monday. you
can reach me at "apreston@isd.csc.com" or
3.2. Hardware required
The minimum configuration for `Citadel' is a 512K Amiga with 2
floppies. This will allow you to run the BBS, but probably not much
more. There are some people that have run Citadel on such a small
system. Most either expand their system or just quit running it. 1
MB of memory and a hard drive is really the practical limit. I have
created and ran a test bbs on an A500 with 1 MB of memory and 2
floppies. I would recommend that you have 2 MBs and as a minimum a
20 MB HD for the BBS.
3.3. Requirements
Citadel will run on any Amiga Model. There are some minor
problems with running CONFG and fast memory on A3000s and A4000, but
the work around is simply to run NOFastMem before running CONFG.
These may be fixed at any time, but since I do not have an A3000 or
A4000, I can't look for the problem.
Citadel does not need any external support software to run. It
relies on the Operating System for 100% of the normal functions and
is compatible with 1.2 through to the latest OS.
Citadel does not use alot of stack space, but will require that
you have your stack set to 8K or larger. 8K is more than enough for
even the largest and most complex Citadel. Citadel will make sure
you have at least an 8K stack or it will quit with a `Citadel
It is important to note is that you really should plan on a 24
hour BBs, with a dedicated phone line. A BBS that is available from
11pm to 6am is not going to be very popular. I would suggest that
you do not even consider networking unless your BBS is on a regular
3.4. Citadel Error
Citadel is a complex system of functions. In any complex
system, things go wrong. Citadel attempts to validate most things
when it starts up.
Once you have the BBS up and running, you still may run into an
occasional problem. The first thing to do is to collect sufficient
information on what exactly is going on. Many times, if you look at
the data you might be able to solve the problem youself!
In general, if you get an error and this information does not
tell you how to correct it, collect as much information as possible
and report what happended either directly to me or in the Citadel
68k room. The first thing to look for is a file called `debug.sys'
or `crash.sys'. These files should appear in either your audit
area, the home area, or the location you started up Citadel. I
usually will want the information in these files(even if it is just
a cryptic one line message like "dependant variables mismatch",
sometimes it tells me exactly where the problem is). The second
thing I will tell you to do is turn on debug, Here is a general
method I end up telling people:
1) go into the Sysop menu, turn on debug "D" option. You
can also do this by typing ^D in the console window.
2) Shut down your Citadel, "X" option.
3) delete debug.sys in the audit area(or save it if it
contains info I might need. At the least, edit the file and
add some markers (like two lines of asterisks) at the end of
the file.
4) Bring up Citadel and attempt to reproduce the problem.
If you cannot do it locally, you might even ask a remote user
to do it for you. leave debug on. Note: If you run CONFG,
debug is automatically turned off, repeat the above steps to
turn it on again.
5) archive all the information(using something like lha)
and arrange to get the information to me. I may call your BBS
to download the file so make some arrangements in Citadel 68K
so I know where it is.
The above may generate alot of output. Much of the output is
cryptic and may not seem like anything understandable. It is mostly
internal data and is useful to me.
From time to time, other errors may appear when you do
something that you really should not do(like power down the modem
and then power it up). These will generate errors like:
Error: [1]IOError = nnnn
Error: [2]IOError = nnnn
Reason: nnnn is a result code returned from a serial
port i/o, usually a dropped carrier(small timing window
for a race condition could cause this). The error is
handled for 99% of the cases in a way that will cause
Citadel to recover and reset. [1] is the case where I
check to see what is in the serial port buffer, and [2] is
when the actual read is done.
Error: Startup Error Code nn
Reason: something went wrong during system
initialization. The reasons are:
1 - unable to open intuition.library, you must
be 1.2 or greater to run Citadel.
2 - unable to open graphics.library, same as 1.
This error also used to mean that the req.library was
not in the libs: directory. This is no longer a
requirement. Citadel does not depend on the
req.library(versions 3.42.P15 or later anyway).
3 - Insufficient Stack space, Citadel versions
3.42.E19 and earlier required a large stack, much
larger than needed (50K). Versions 3.42.P35 and
later will require a 8K stack or less(I am still
adjusting the values down). Citadel still requires
the larger limit just to be cautious.
11 - Console Open Error. Catch all for console
window errors If you are using #WBSCREEN, try without
25 - Open Serial Port Failed, Well, Citadel
could not get to the serial port(maybe something else
has it open. Note: You will not get this error if
you run Citadel while it is already running since it
opens the serial port in a shared mode.
31 - Could not create a Port for timer
communications, Low memory? Trashed system tables?
Try a re-boot. This is one of those, "you should
never get here". If you bug me with this type of
problem, you had better have a full system
configuration and alot of details.
32 - could not create an I/O request. See 31.
33 - Open timer.device failed. See 31.
Note: In the serial port open errors, and in most
cases with debug turned on, you will get a text error
message of the form:
1: Date - Dos Error:nnnn
2: (some text as to what happened)
3: (some text as to what happened) <-- you may get
only one line.
4: Reason: <error text>
5: Current Directory
Line 1: is the internal error code(less than 100), or
the Dos error code.
Lines 2-3: will either be a command(like in the
external protocols) and a text line, or just one line of
text. External commands will display the text and
command, most errors do not have an external command.
4: is the reason the error occured(from the Exec
routine Fault).
5: is the current directory. This is important if
you are trying to setup a door for example and in the
wrong directory.
If the problem is reproducable, do it several times
and record all possible information, especially your
system configuration! If it happens just once and you can
not reproduce it, then still record what you can, check
things like memory in use, what is running.
Note: If you have a problem that seems to happen often,
realize that I rarely have a crash. Pleae check to see that
something else is not causing the problem. Remove commodities,
other programs and see if you can cause the problem without
that super-duper-whiz-bang mouse accelerator/screen blanker!
It probably ain't Citadel! If you are running on a 512K
system, you may just be running out of memory. While every
attempt has been made to exit in a friendly manner, no
3.5. Limits
For the most part,`Citadel' only has your imagination as the
limits... In practicality, there are some real physical limits you
will have. Each of these limits can be difficult to adjust later so
some planning is important at this point. You must set a limit on
the number of users (`#LOGSIZE'), rooms (`#MAXROOMS'), and messages
(`#MESSAGEK'). These parameters will directly determine the amount
of memory used while the BBS is running and the disk space needed to
support the message base and userlog.
To setup the BBS, you must first configure your system. This
means taking the example configuration and tayloring it to your
liking. The example is based directly on `The Amiga Zone'. The
first thing you must do is chose a name for your BBS (`#NODENAME'),
a default banner (see `banners' and `#NODETITLE'), enter in your
Identification (`#NODEID'). It is this basic information that users
and other Citadels will know your bbs by. Once you have an idea of
what the theme of your BBS is, you can apply it to the initial room
(`#BASEROOM'), and floor (`#MAINFLOOR'). These will be the initial
place that people are located at when they login to your BBS. Now
comes the real work. You must decide some `basic system parameters'
that will define how much disk space your system will use. This is
important since the smaller the message base is, the quicker
messages will scroll off. Citadel has a fixed message base so that
once you configure your system, the disk space usage is constant.
You will never run out of message space, the BBS will reuse the
existing space deleting the oldest messages to make room for the new
Next we have the `USER_PARAMETERS' which define the default
`PRIVILEGES' for your users. These determine how open your system
is(can a user create their own account or do you do it?). Whether
people are able to use doors, or post messages to the network. If
you restrict people, then they will have to ask you for the
privilege(and you will have to give it to those you choose). If you
make them the default, people will get them automatically, you then
do not have to do anything. I setup my system to be as automatic as
possible. People can create their own account and do not need to be
validated. The example setup is configured that way. The most
important user is the SYSOP, You. There are some parameters that
make your life easier. the `sysop_parameters' will take care of
those. Now we get to `Network' parameters which you can skip
initially, but will eventually want to look into. Get your BBS up
and running first before you worry about that.
The basic BBS has several `areas' you will want to setup. Most
people will setup a logical assignment that is the root of the BBS
disk area (called `#HOMEAREA') and make everything a subdirectory
off of that. Citadel is pretty flexible, if you are running from an
A500 with 2 floppies, it will run, even if the size will be small!
CONFG is simple to run. Once you have created the
`CTDLCNFG.SYS' file, you just run CONFG in the same directory. It
will read each line, and report any errors. If there are errors, it
will stop after the last line is read. If no errors, it will finish
up its processing, possibly ask you some questions and create all
the required files.
There are alot of parameters to setup. Don't be overwhelmed!
Each has a simple description and parameters. Some are ok as the
This parameter tells Citadel that you wish to lock the COMPUTER
to MODEM speed to a particular value. It also causes CTS/RTS
hardware handshaking to be used so that the BBS communicates with
the modem at a single speed and the modem handles all the Modem to
Modem speed negotiations. This parameter takes a single numberic
parameter which must be 1 to 8. The values correspond to the
0 - 300 1 - 1200 2 - 2400 3 - 4800
4 - 9600 5 - 14400 6 - 19200 7 - 38400 8 - 57600
This parameter takes a quoted string as an argument. It
defines the working area for the QWK data. If you wish to support
QWK packet downloads(you must have external archviers available)
then this needs to be defined to be a directory where the QWK
processing can put temporary files.
This parameter takes a quoted string as an argument. It
defines the directory where the QWK processing saves the USER
related data. You must define this if you wish to supprt QWK packet
downloads(external archivers must be available).
This parameter defines what the maximum number of rooms a user
can scan at one time. Users can set their own personal value from
one to this number. This parameter takes a single integer
This parameter defines what the maximum messages a user can
scan at one time. Users can set their own personal value from one
to this number. This parameter takes a single integer argument.
This parameter defines a single quoted string that is passed to
the QWK packet to define the name of the packet file.
This parameter defines a single quoted string passed inthe QWK
packet as the location of your BBS.
This parameter defines a file where all sysop mail is
archived. If this is defined, each mail message to you will be
written to this file.
This parameter defines a filename that has you sysop password.
This password will allow you(or anyone you give the password to) to
become a REMOTE Sysop. A Remote Sysop can do anything you can do
from the console so use this wisely.
This is you... This parameter tells the BBS that you are the
Sysop. You will have to create you account first, then add this to
the CTDLCNFG.SYS and run CONFG again.
This parameter tells the BBS that you wish to have a mirrored
message file. Basically, if you have the memory, copy your
`CTDLMSGS.SYS' to RAM:, and then start up the BBS, this parameter
will allow the BBS to write to both this mirrored message file and
the regular one. You are responsible for coping te current file to
the mirrored one before the BBS starts up. In addition to this
statement you need to include a `#MSG2AREA' to tell the BBS where
the secondary message file is. This parameter takes a single
integer value, 0 for off, 1 for on. If you were using this feature,
then put "#MSG2AREA 1" in the CTDLCNFG.SYS file.
This parameter defines the maximum number of rooms a single
node can share with you. Each entry takes up 6 bytes so the space
requirements are minimal. The `DATACHNG' utility will allow you to
modify this value(make it larger) so plan accordingly.
5.15. #EDITOR
5.16. #CLOCK
5.17. #SYSBAUD
User parameters is a catch all for most of the parameters
related to user. Since the BBS is about users, nearly everything
could be put into this catagory. There are three sets of
parameters. The first is the `unlogged users' parameters. This is
all the parameters relating to a user that has not logged in yet.
The second is the `PRIVILEGES', the values given to a new user when
their account is created. The last is the `user characteristics'.
Each of these parameters must be setup and will define the way
your BBS operates.
6.1. unlogged users
When a user first calls the BBS, they will get a set of default
parameters that will define how the BBS operates until they login or
create an account. If you do not allow them to create an account on
their own, they will have to send you mail and you will have to do
this manually(called account validation). Citadel allows you to
operate either way. For unlogged users, the parameters are:
`#UNLOGGED-WIDTH' - The default width of a line
`#LOGINOK' - Open/Close system control
`#ENTEROK' - Can users enter messages while not logged in?
`#READOK' - Can users read messages while not logged in?
`#ANON-MAIL-LENGTH' - Limit on anonymous mail length to prevent `RUGGIES'
`#LOGIN-ATTEMPTS' - Limit on how many times a user can make a mistake
This section defines the user privileges, defaults and all
related parameters. These parameters will save you some time and
effort. If you have doors and want everyone to be able to play, it
does not make sense to have to give everyone the privilege. Instead
use these parameters to set the defaults.
`#DOORPRIVS' - Allow new users to have access to doors
`#ROOMOK' - Allow users to be able to create new
`#ALLMAIL' - Control who can use mail
`FILE-PRIV-DEFAULT' - Allow users to have file up/down load
6.3. user characteristics
Citadels always have a minimum of three rooms. There is the
`Aide room', `Mail room', and the initial room a caller starts out
in called the base room.
Historically, the initial room was always called The Lobby.
Most Citadels today have this configuration parameter which allows
you to name that initial room.
This parameter is a string value obeying formatting directives
and goes through the Citadel formatter, and you must limit yourself
to 19 characters or less for this value. And one more note --
Citadel will append the '>' to this name when it prints the room
prompt for this room, you don't have to put it in yourself. If you
wished to emulate the old CP/M Citadel, you'd set baseRoom thus:
There is no default for this parameter.
MainFloor is analogous to #BASEROOM. Most Citadels have a base
floor, just as it has an Aide> room, etc. This parameter allows you
to name this base floor. This parameter is a string value which
cannot be longer than 19 characters, and specifies the name of your
base floor. So, if you want to name your base floor MAIN FLOOR,
you'd have
There is no default value for this parameter.
6.6. areas
The BBS is organized into what is called areas. These are
directories that either Citadel creates files in, or uses to recieve
temporary files from a network session, or user action. There are
parameters for each of the major areas.
`#HOMEAREA' - The root location of the BBS.
`#HELPAREA' - Help files(`.HLP'), menus, and banners
`#LOGAREA' - User data files
`#ROOMAREA' - Room related files
`#MSGAREA' - Message base
`#MSG2AREA' - Optional secondary Message base to speed up the BBS
`#FLOORAREA' - Floor related files
`#AUDITAREA' - User, Door, and File activity
`#HOLDAREA' - Hold area for user messages
`#EDIT-AREA' - Editor area for a sysop editor(console only)
`#NETAREA' - Network files area
`#NET_RECEPT_AREA' - Receiving area for files sent to you
`#DOMAINAREA' - Domain data files area
The `CONFG' program will require that you define each area and
will create the directory if it does not exist.
This parameter specifies where all of your Help files will be
located. These files are *.HLP, *.BLB, and *.MNU. Normally, you
should create this directory and place the help files in the
directory before bringing up Citadel-86, since help files are
usually online at all times.
#HELPAREA "cit:helps"
The help files, menus and default bulletins are in the
cithelps.lha file in the Citadel Documentation room. You will have
to do some customization of these files for your system. If you
find an error or re-write the contents of a file, try to return that
file so that others will benifit from your work.
This parameter specifies the location of your `CTDLLOG.SYS'
file (this file is sized by your `#LOGSIZE' parameter).
#LOGAREA "cit:users" -- put it in a general system dir
This parameter specifies the location of `CTDLMSG.SYS'. It is
also the location of the special Citadel message file
`CIT_MESSAGES.SYS'. Citadel will create the message file when you
run `CONFG', the other file is supplied with the executable
#MSGAREA "cit:messages" -- give msgs there own place
in the sun
6.10. #MSG2AREA
This parameter specifies the location of a second
`CTDLMSG.SYS'. Citadel will create the message file when you run
`CONFG'. Before starting up the BBS, you will need to copy
`CTDLMSG.SYS' into this area if you have the `#MIRRORMSG' statement
in the `CTDLCNFG.SYS'.
#MSG2AREA "cit:messages" -- give msgs there own
place in the sun
This parameter specifies the location of `CTDLFLR.SYS'.
#FLOORAREA "cit:floors"
This parameter is a string value parameter specifying a
directory which will hold the audit files. If this parameter is not
present in your `CTDLCNFG.SYS' file, then the audit files will not
be created or updated by Citadel.
The audit files are usually text files of information on how
the BBS is running. For example there is a file (`CALLLOG.SYS')
which shows information on the callers. Another file keeps track of
door usage (`DOORUSE.SYS'), and another one the file up/download
information (`FILELOG.SYS').
#AUDITAREA "c:audit" -- This can only be a subdirectory
This parameter defines the base directory the BBS will use for
its operation.
This is the directory that the BBS will operate out of. In the
this directory is assigned to the logical CIT: to make things
This file contains most of the Citadel BBS messages. The BBS
references the text via the Message code. This allows the SYSOP the
maximum flexibility in configuring their BBS. You can use the
standard messages, or customize them to your heart's content.
The Message file is formatted into one line per message. The
first 8 columns may be A "#" for a comment line, or a message code.
THE "#" in column 1 will cause the rest of the line to be ignored.
Column 9 is blank, for readability, and columns 10 to 79 are the
message text. If the message text starts with an "@", the message
text is taken to be a filename and that file will be read instead as
the message text. This will allow you to have more than one line in
a single message. The message codes end in either EX for expert
user messages, or NO for novice user message. If no EX version
exists, the BBS will automatically use the NO version. If neither
one exists, the BBS will display "***ERROR CODE nnnnnnnn" where
nnnnnnnn is the missing message. If these occur, just create the
appropriate message and add it to the file. If you find any message
codes in the original file missing, then notify the Amiga Zone.
One of the reasons for the message formatting is to get system
dependant information from the BBS by using special variable names.
These names are listed below:
Variable Description
^variant Name of this Citadel Variant such as "Citadel 68K"
^version Major Version Id of Citadel
^sysvers Minor Version Id of Citadel
^baseroom The baseroom of your BBS
^sysop The name of the Sysop
^nodetitle The BBS Node Title
^nodename The BBS Node Name
^nodedomain The Domain the BBS is considered part of
^nodeid The BBS Node Id
^mainfloor The Floor that contains the BaseRoom
^curruser The name of the Current User.
^ulprotocols A list of the Protocols usable for uploading
^dlprotocols A list of the Protocols usable for downloading
^doorlist A list of the Doors available in the current room
^lastuser The last caller's name
^privileges A list of the privileges you currently have.
^callcount The number of calls this Citadel has recieved.
^ia1 Special Integer Argument #1 (see below)
^sa1 Special String Argument #1
^ia2 Special Integer Argument #2
^sa2 Special String Argument #2
^ia3 Special Integer Argument #3
^sa3 Special String Argument #3
^currtime The current time
^currdate the current date
^s A single space
^n A newline followed by a space
The Special Arguments are pieces of data that are used in some
of the existing messages. Currently the 3rd one is not used(but may
be). Most of the messages do not use them, but those that do should
probably continue to use them. You can remove the special variable
from the messages that currently do use them, but adding them to a
message that does not will get you a zero for an interger argument
and nothing for a string argument.
It is best to keep the original message file around to check to
see what was available for the code.
CALLLOG.SYS contains three types of notes. The first type
lists when the system has come up and down.
The second type records who has called, listing login and
logout times, one line per person, in the following format:
<person> : <login time> - <logout time> <baud rate>
Occasionally such a line will have an extra character appended
onto it, and they have the following significance.
'+' The user logged in as new.
'-' The user used .TS to logout.
'T' The user timed out on the system.
'E' The user hit the error limit on the system and was kicked off.
'B' The system kicked the user off for too many offenses against `BADWORDS.SYS'.
'C' The user tried to chat with you.
The third type of message in CALLLOG.SYS are notes regarding
network sessions, both normal and anytime-net. These record on a
single line the start and end times of the net sessions. This
particular message can be disabled by using the #CLEAN-CALLLOG
FILELOG.SYS format is somewhat different. Generically, it
looks like this:
<user name> @ <baud rate>
file1 (n bytes) <roomname> <U or D> <start to end> <length>
file2 (n bytes) <roomname> <U or D> <start to end> <length>
This format keeps the number of user names down. "n bytes" is
the size of the file. "roomname" is the room involved. "U or D"
refers to whether the named file was Uploaded or Downloaded. "start
to end" refers to start time and end time of the file session, while
length is the amount of time involved. Protocol will be one of the
three XMODEM, YMODEM, or WXMODEM, or an external one you have
setup. "FAILED" will only appear on the line if the transfer
DOORUSE.SYS simply lists who used what doors for what amount of
time at what time of the day. It appears in the `#AUDITAREA'.
Citadel has an optional capability to save a user's messages,
put them on hold so to speak. This can be because the user lost
carrier while entering a message, or told the BBS to Hold the
message for later. The reason this is optional, is that if you do
not specify this area, a user will not be able to use this option
and any message held will be lost when the user terminates the
session. A held file takes about 8K bytes of space on the disk. It
is possible that every user could have a held message at one time,
each is uniquely identified so in figuring disk space, this should
be remembered.
#HOLDAREA "hold"
6.19. #EDIT-AREA
The optional edit area goes along with the sysop editor
directive `#EDITOR' which is used to define a directory where the
BBS will put the temporary message file and run the sysop
editor(this is for the console user only). This is like any BBS
6.20. #EDITOR
This is the command that is used to run the optional Console
user editor. When a user is logged into the console, this command
is used to invoke the external program to edit the message text(will
be written to tempmsg.sys in this area). This command should
specify any options needed to make the editor run and have the BBS
pause while the editor is running(some editors will release the task
as soon as they startup which will make Citadel think your done
6.21. #NETAREA
This command tells the BBS where to put the files that are
related to the network process. It is like any other BBS area.
This is a special BBS directory that is used to store all files
sent to your system by another system during a network session.
When a system uses the Send File faculty(not the same as requesting
a file over the network).
#NET_RECEPT_AREA "Recieving"
Files sent to your BBS using the utility `AFF' will appear in
this area. In addition, the parameters `#NET_AREA_SIZE' and
`#MAX_NET_FILE' will be used to limit the amount of files and the
largest file in this area.
This parameter controls the total amount of space you wish to
allow files coming into your system via the net(Send File Command).
This is the limit on files being sent to your without you asking.
If this area fills up to this size, additional files will be
This parameter controls the size of the largest file your will
allow to be sent to you during a network session. Files larger than
this size will be rejected.
This parameter specifies the area where Citadel will put the
domain related temporary files. The files in this area are
dynamic. Citadel will create them as needed and maintain them
totally. You will not need to worry about these files unless there
is a problem with domain mail and you are the server for your
domain. This is a fairly advance topic and not covered in this
document. Eventually, there will be a separate document for these
types of issues.
6.26. basic system parameters
The basic system parameters define how many
`rooms'(`#MAXROOMS'), messages per room(`#MSG-SLOTS'), private mail
messages per user(`#MAIL-SLOTS'), Size of the message
base(`#MESSAGEK') and if you will want it encrypted (`#CRYPTSEED').
You want to give some careful thought to these parameters since any
choices made now will be a bit painful to modify later. There are
`utilties' that will allow parameters to be modified, but only to
increase them. To decrease them requires that you start over by
deleting the appropriate files and reconfiguring.
I recommend that you keep `#CRYPTSEED' at zero although any
value can be used. It makes debug easier for me if I grab your
files plus that value will speed up all the processing. The message
slots and size of the message base is a little cryptic. If you have
100 slots, then Citadel will remember the last 100 messages in each
room. Mail has a separate value, but it is the same idea. With 100
rooms, you have 10,000 active messages possible in the system. With
messages sizing from 500 bytes to 7500 bytes, you could have a
message base of 5,000,000 to 75,000,000! Typically the average
message is alot closer to the 500 bytes size. The 600K size here
gives me a file that is 1217 blocks in size(614400 bytes). This
would actually fit on a floppy if you wanted(although it would
pretty much fill the floppy). You can make these pretty much any
value you want, the larger the value the more the disk space
needed. A reasonable approximation for messagek is:
( 120 + 99 ) * 3K = 602.25
You can use more..... For the larger sized system, use 7.5K
and get 1604K... The practical limit is 4095K
CRYPTSEED is a value used in encrypting the data files. Choose
a value when you install the system, but not thereafter -- or you
won't be able to read the existing files any more. If you use a
value of zero, none of the data files will be encrypted. This has
little value since you as SYSOP can access anybody's account and
read any message, there is no privacy. I recommend using zero. You
should not allow any of the system files to be downloaded and this
is the only protection you have if you do. It is better to keep the
users out of the data files. Using zero has an additional benifit
that your system will be slightly faster. If you use a non zero
encryption seed, all the data files will be encoded. An example
It is important that you do not change this value. If for some
reason you should lose your `CTDLCNFG.SYS' file, run the `VERIFY'
utility and it will display not only this value, but the value of
all the important data from this file. Without this data item, you
will not be able to reconfigure your BBS. This is important since
if the bbs should crash, or your system should go down while the bbs
is running, you have to run the CONFG utility to recreate the data
file `CTDLTABL.SYS'. Without that file, the BBS will not run.
There is only one parameter on the command line. If it does not
match "onlyParams" or "FirstInit" then CONFG will assume you are
re-initializing the BBS. "FirstInit" assumes that you want to
create the BBS from scratch initializing all the files as if
creating a new BBS. This means that if you already have a BBS up
and running, all the data files will be re-created and initialized
as empty(i.e all existing users deleted, all messages gone). You
can use this the first time and CONFG will not ask you any questions
about creating this file or that one... Once you have a running BBS
and you need to modify certain parameters(see `Safe Configuration
6.28. Safe Configuration Parameters
These parameters control characteristics of the BBS and not
file sizes. You can modify these at any time by changing the value
in the `CTDLCNFG.SYS' file and then running "CONFG ONLYPARAMS". To
do this, change the file, bring the BBS down, then run CONFG and
then restart the BBS.
6.29. #NODEID
As mentioned, this parameter is a network parameter that has
traditionally always been set, even for non-network Citadels. If
you have no plans to ever be on a `C86Net', Then this is not real
If you do plan to join the `C86Net', (we'll go over this in
more detail in the section on `Networking'), then you do have to set
this parameter correctly. The format of this parameter is
"<Country code><Area Code><Phone number>"
all of which applies to the phone your system resides on.
Country code is a two letter sequence indicating what country you
live in (US is the United States, CA is Canada. Other country codes
may be found in COUNTRY.DOC). Area code is the area code of your
system (yes, we are aware there is a clear bias towards US-style
telephony). And Phone number is, of course, the phone number your
system is on. You can put punctuation (such as parenthesis and
dashes), but please be conservative with them. This string value
does not obey formatting directives. Here's a fairly generic
#NODEID "US (609) 953 8159" -- Some system somewhere..:)
Other systems will use your node id to call you for
networking. It will be how other systems identify your system's
nodeName is, in reality, purely a network parameter, and if you
have no plans to ever join a `C86Net', then there is no need to fill
in this parameter. However, it has always been traditional, even
before there was a net for any Citadel system anywhere, to fill in
this and the `#NODEID' parameter. nodeName is a string value which
does NOT accept formatting directives (i.e., formatting directives
will be ignored). It can be no longer than 19 letters long. It
should be a short, mnemonic name for your system. An EXAMPLE of a
reasonable value:
#NODENAME "ODD-DATA" -- The original Citadel
If you ever do join a `C86Net', messages from your system
appearing on another Citadel-86 node will look something like this
82Nov23 from Cynbe ru Taren @ODD-DATA
except ODD-DATA would be replaced with your value for
The first parameter you should find is called nodeTitle. It is
a string value obeying formatting directives, and is subject to
formatting considerations. nodeTitle is the title of your
installation printed when carrier is detected on your system. More
precisely, nodeTitle will show up in the following place on your
Welcome to <#NODETITLE>
However, nodeTitle may not necessarily be printed at this
point. After successfully bringing your system up, please consult
the section on Help Files for more information on banner options.
#NODETITLE "Test System\n Truly a Heaven in Reverse" The
#NODETITLE is printed out on .Read Status commands, also. There is
no formal limit on the length of this parameter.
6.32. banners
6.33. The Amiga Zone
The Amiga Zone is the primary support BBS. The number is (609)
953-8159. There are other Citadels that will help the budding Sysop
out, but this is the place you will find the latest and greatest
version of Citadel, CONFG, and the Utilities. In addition to
calling direct, you should think about networking the Citadel 68K
room. This is the place where comments, bug reports, and other
issues are discussed. The Amiga Zone will feed the room to any
Citadel that wishes to network, however, the Amiga Zone will not
call out for a network session unless the system is local. You will
have to pay for the calls. This does not amount to much if you call
a few times a week. Fortunately, there are about 200 Citadels in
the USA and Canada, you might find a local system to network with,
or one that costs less than the Amiga Zone to network with. If you
wish, I will answer questions at my internet address
"apreston@isd.csc.com" or "tony-preston@cup.portal.com".
6.34. #LOGSIZE
This numerical parameter gives you the ability to decide how
many accounts will be available on your system. If you run a system
in which more accounts are used than there are accounts reserved,
then new accounts are generated by killing old accounts. Accounts
are recycled by finding the account who's last use is the oldest of
all the accounts in the system, under the assumption such an account
is no longer active.
All space is reserved immediately for these accounts. The size
of this file can be estimated from the formula(this includes a
possible held file for every USER).
# of bytes = LOGSIZE * (82 + MAXROOMS + (6 * MAIL-SLOTS) +
so if you are operating in a restricted environment, plan
accordingly. If you need to, you can expand the size of the log
through the use of the `DATACHNG' utility, but the log cannot be
shrunk. This is a numerical value. Here is an example:
For a system with 100 rooms(`#MAXROOMS'), and 100 mail
slots(`#MAIL-SLOTS') this would be just over 150K bytes for 200
users. It should be noted that the larger the logsize, the longer
the `CONFG' utility will take to re-configure the system. Each
entry is checked and updated when this is done.
This numerical parameter specifies the maximum number of rooms
your system will support. Since the baseRoom, Aide>, and Mail> room
are necessary, the smallest value you can give is 3. The largest
number is 65536. If you wanted to have a 64 room system, you'd have
You can use the following formula to estimate the number of
bytes a room file will take up on your SYSTEM:
# of bytes = MAXROOMS *(50 + (6 * MSG-SLOTS))
For a system with 100 rooms and 200 message
slots(`#MSG-SLOTS'), you would need aproximately 125 Kbytes of disk
space. It should be noted that the larger this is, the longer the
`CONFG' takes since each room is updated.
This is a numerical parameter specifying how many messages per
log record you wish to reserve for Mail. The Mail> room is the only
room in the system whose data is not kept in CTDLROOM.SYS. Instead,
the file CTDLLOG.SYS contains the "Mail>" room, reserving for each
account enough room for MAIL-SLOTS Mail messages. Therefore, this
parameter gives you the ability to decide the maximum number of
Mail> messages per user they can access. Please remember if a user
gets more messages in Mail> than there are MAIL-SLOTS between two
successive logins, then they will lose the earlier messages sent to
them. Another consideration is many users like to review old Mail
when engaged in an in-depth private conversation. Therefore,
setting MAIL-SLOTS to a low value may not be the attractive
alternative it first seems. However, it should go without saying a
high MAIL-SLOTS value may eat up more room than necessary on your
drives. The section on `#LOGSIZE' will give an exact formula for
how much space your log will take up.
MESSAGEK defines how much disk space you wish to allocate for
messages on your installation. Because messages can vary in size,
there is no way to define how many messages you can have in your
system, or how fast they turnover. All the messages in your system
will reside in CTDLMSG.SYS, and thus the number of messages in your
system at any given moment will depend totally on the length of the
messages being entered into the system by your users. The turnover
rate of your messages will depend on how busy your system is.
For example, if you reserve 600K for messages, you would have
an approximate 1200 messages(messages can get as large a 7500
characters so if you have verbose users, this could be as low as 80
messages if they were all to the limit, a good conservative estimate
is 512 characters which gives 1200 messages). If you get 25 callers
a day and each posted 4 messages, you would have a turnover of about
12 days. If you networking and get 25 messages a day in 4 rooms,
plus these callers, you have a 6 day turnover. The higher the
volume, the quicker the turnover. When the messages turnover, older
message space gets reused which means older messages are deleted.
Shared rooms can have a very high volume.
The sysop of an installation should also keep in mind that very
large systems, with many new messages, can be intimidating to new
users, so large message spaces should be approached with caution.
Remember, there is a utility(`Expand') for expanding the message
base, but not for shrinking it. The only method available to shrink
the message base is to delete the existing one and then reset this
value to a smaller amount. You will lose all the messages(including
mail) if you do this.
This is a numerical value which you specify in 'K', which is
actually 1024 bytes/K. So, for example, to specify a 250K message
#MESSAGEK 250 -- 250K message base
The above parameter will require 250 Kbytes of disk space.
This parameter tells Citadel that the messages recieved over
the network should be scanned against the file `BADWORDS.SYS' and
any matches should cause the offending message to be discarded.
7. Utilities
8. Installation
9. C86Net
10. BBS List
11. Citadel
12. Files
This section details the various files that exist in the
Citadel BBS system. Most of these files are maintained by the BBS
software and you only need to know a general idea of why they are
there and how big they will be. Some have particular formats and
must be maintained by the Sysop. The files are:
`debug.sys' - System debug information
`crash.sys' - System failure message
12.1. debug.sys
This file is only generated if the `#AuditArea' is defined. It
will be generated only if the debug sysop option is turned on or
there is a serious error or problem and the system needs to report
information. Most of the entries in this file are also displayed on
the console. This is a log that should be examined for problems
that could occur in your setup. Generally, if you have a problem
and want someone to assist you, it would be a good idea to make this
file available(in other words don't delete until your sure it wont
be needed).
12.2. crash.sys
This file usually contains only a single error message. It is
used to display information about a failure while the BBS was
initializing and did not have the screen and windows open to report
the problem. This file will occur in the current directory which
might not be `#HOMEAREA', since the BBS is going to stop itself
This parameter specifies the location many files.
#ROOMAREA "cit:room" -- another general system dir
This directory contains many files which are very important to
the basic operation of Citadel. This may seem overwhelming at
first, and you need to know what these files are to understand how
to fix problems that might occur later. Much of these files relate
to the options you select on your Citadel with `CONFG'. These
affect networking, user account creation, what external programs you
can run and many other Citadel options. For the most part, you can
start up a BBS without knowing anything about these files, but
eventually if you run into problems, these items are a major help
with most of them.
`aliases.sys' `badnames.sys' `badpasswords.sys'
`badpeople.sys' `badwords.sys' `citadoor.sys'
`ctdlarch.sys' `ctdldir.sys' `ctdlfwd.sys'
`ctdlinfo.sys' `ctdlmodr.sys' `ctdlprot.sys'
`ctdlroom.sys' `DExxx.SYS' `results.sys'
Some of these files are maintained by Citadel itself and you
need not do anything with the files at all. The only reason they
are mentioned here is to prevent confusion and to document their
ultimate purpose in the life of your BBS.
This file is used to alias the name of a BBS with another
name. This serves the purpose of clarifying what a user thinks is
the name of a BBS. For example, in the typical discussions on BBS
issues, people refer to "C-86 Test System" using "Test System".
This is common enough that a User might try to send mail to
"Sysop@Test System" only to find that the BBS does not exist. When
you have two names that seem equally applicable for some system, you
can make an entry in the ALIASES.SYS file. The format is one per
line and is:
<alias> <realname>
The <alias> and <realname> are quoted strings so "Amiga Zone"
and "The Amiga Zone" would be good entries for an alias and
realname. The two are separated by a single space.
13.2. badnames.sys
This file is optional. The Sysop may create it if desired.
The format is very simple. One name per line. Each name in the
file will be checked against any new account name and the name will
be rejected if a match occurs. This file is a list of invalid user
names. If it is not present, Citadel will not complain and will
accept any new name.
13.3. badpasswords.sys
This file is optional. The Sysop may create it if it is
desired that the BBS should check each password to ensure that
commonly used names and easily guessable passwords are not used.
Each Password entered by users will be validated against this list
and a match will be rejected.
13.4. badpeople.sys
This file is optional. The Sysop may create it if desired.
The format is a username and a room name separated by a comma. If
this file exists, each network message will be checked against the
list and any matches will cause the message to be discarded(see
`badwords.sys' for a similar censor mechinism). It is important to
note here that these messages are *REMOVED* from the network and not
sent on to other systems that may not want them removed. At times,
when a certain user gets out of control, a Sysop may want to use
this option.
13.5. badwords.sys
This optional file may be created by the Sysop to control the
contents of messages. Each message may be optionally scanned (if
`#SCAN-NET-MESSAGES' is in the `CTDLCNFG.SYS' file) as it arrives
during a network session. Any messages which fail to meet your
standards of decency will be discarded(placed in the file that is
called `DISCARD') and a message left for you in the AIDE room.
Usually, there is little need to actively censor Citadel Users. The
format of the file is simply a list of words or partial words(frog
in the list will reject froggy, froggie, and frog). The list of
words starts on the 3rd line of the file and all lines from there to
the end of the file. The first line is called the "icky" level.
This level indicates how many times a user may use one of the
"forbidden" words before the system will disconnect them. The
second line may be blank if you dont want the rejected messages
saved. If non-blank, It will be the name of the file that Citadel
uses to save the text. Any user kicked off the BBS will get a "B"
added to the CALLLOG.SYS entry.
13.6. citadoor.sys
This file is created by the `CONFG' program. It contains the
data needed by the BBS to run any door programs you have setup.
13.7. ctdlarch.s
This file is maintained by the BBS. It contains entries for
rooms that are archived. You should not mess with this file,
instead use the BBS to change how and when a room is archived. Room
archiving is just an additional copy of all messages that appear in
a room. The archive file may have optional formatting parameters in
the name. %m will be replaced by the current month and %y by the
last two digits of the year.
13.8. ctdldir.sys
This file is maintained by the BBS. It contains entries that
tell the BBS the name of the directory that is attached to the
room. You should use the AIDE commands with the BBS to make any
changes needed to this file.
13.9. ctdlfwd.sys
This file is maintained by the BBS. It contains entries that
tell the BBS where to forward mail to a particular user. This data
is maintained by the individual user, you do not need to worry about
13.10. ctdlinfo.sys
This file is maintained by the BBS. It contains entries for
each room that are the text information on that room. You should
use the BBS to change any room information and not directly in this
13.11. ctdlmodr.sys
This file is maintained by the BBS. It contains entries to
tell the BBS who is a moderator of a particular room. You should
use the BBS to change any of this information.
13.12. ctdlprot.sys
This file contains the commands needed to implement external
protocols. The BBS will read this file only when it starts up.
Each line in the file contains information about either an upload or
download protocol. The BBS always has X and Y modem(even if they
are really slow implementations of it) internally. There are two
types of entries. The first is the "regular" external program entry
that defines how to call on a program that will implement the
protocol. The `protocol' parameters are used with this type of
protocol. Citadel will invoke the program and expect the program to
take care of everything except the description(which will be
prompted for afterwards). The second type is an XPR
implementation. Both of these types have the same parameters for
the first four parameter, it is the fifth parameter that varies.
The format is:
<letter> <type> <name> <direction> <fifth parameter>
The <letter> is the protocol letter that will be used by the
BBS when a user enters .R<letter>B for example. Most people use Z
for Zmodem for example.
The <type> is 1 or M for "regular" external protocols. 1 means
only single file transfers, M means batch transfers are supported.
It is suggested that even for a protocol like Zmodem, you only allow
uploads to be single files. This will prevent files from getting
uploaded without descriptions. A <type> of X or Y is the
corresponding types for the XPR type. X is the single and Y is the
The <name> parameter is the name the BBS will display when you
type the <letter>
The <direction> is U for upload and D for download.
The <fifth parameter> is an XPR library name if it is an XPR
protocol. It should be spelled exactly like the name in the LIBS:
directory. If it is not an XPR protocl, the rest of the line is the
command used by the BBS to invoke the protocol. An example
CTDLPROT.SYS file looks like:
Z X Zmodem U xprzmodem.library
Z Y Zmodem D xprzmodem.library
Q M Zmodem U xprd -mcit:xprd.log -s -c -n -q r %g
K M Kermit U xprd -mcit:xprd.log -s -c -n -q
-lxprkermit.library r %g
This would only allow downloading with an XPR Zmodem, but allow
uploading with two types of Zmodem and a Kermit.
13.13. protocols
When you have an external protocol, the command may get rather
complex. The BBS must insert the filename(s) on the command line.
Citadel will scan the command and locate a "%g", if that is not
found the end of the command line is used instead and the
filename(s) being transfered will be inserted there.
13.14. ctdlroom.sys
This file is maintained by Citadel. You should not mess with
it. It contains all the information needed to maintain a room. Use
the utilities and Citadel to make any appropriate changes.
13.15. DExxx.SYS
These files define external commands that Citadel may use.
There are three lines in the file, each defining what Citadel does
to Test, Uncompress, and Compress files using the "xxx" archiver.
The supported types are ARC, LHA, LZH, and ZIP. Line 1 is the test
line, this is used when a user uploads a file of the recognized
types. Citadel will test the archive to ensure a good upload. Line
2 is the Uncompress line, Citadel uses this line to allow the
13.16. results.sys
This file defines all the results codes your modem returns.
Citadel needs this file to determine the speed, even if the modem is
locked to one speed(see `#LOCK-PORT'). Citadel will use this to
properly compute the estimated times for file downloads and for the
speed of the modem. The codes are one per line and a sample file
would look like:
#RESULT-9600 CONNECT 12000
#RESULT-14400 CONNECT 14400
#RESULT-14400 CONNECT 38400
#RESULT-14400 CONNECT 57600
The format is <code> <modem result code>, the two paramters are
separated by a space. Every possible result is not defined so this
example has multiple uses of the same <code> for different connect
13.17. DISCARD
This file is the default file that will be used for messages
that are duplicates, rejected because of decency(`BADWORDS.SYS' or
`BADPEOPLE.SYS'). Citadel saves the discards here so you can review
them(just incase there is problem).
This file is the basic configuration information for setting up
the BBS. The text lines in this file are processed by `CONFG' and
the CTDLTABL.SYS file is created. This is the file you should edit
to make adjustments to the BBS.